Paul Reh studied agriculture at the Justus-Liebig University Giessen and at the University of Hohenheim with a focus on plant protection. He graduated at the University of Hohenheim at the Institute for Phytomedicine, Dept. Applied Entomology and obtained the doctorate. Afterwards he was employed by an agrochemical company as product development representative and gained advanced knowledge on field trial techniques concerning herbicides and fungicides. In 1990 he founded the firm Versuchswesen Pflanzenschutz, offering trial service to national and international agrochemical industries. In 2016, the individual company has changed its legal status to CropTrials GmbH. Since then he is the main shareholder and CEO of the firm.
+49 5139 89 13 80
Kirsten Heitsch studied horticulture at the Leibniz University Hannover with focus on ornamentals and phytopathology. She started in 2002 as quality assurance representative for GLP studies and she performed the data processing for GEP and screening studies. She is now senior supervisor for the management of German and pan-European projects and she is CEO of the firm.
+49 5139 95 82 03
Sonja Sonneborn completed her horticultural studies at the Leibniz University Hannover as Dipl.-Ing. agr. with focus on vegetable production and phytopathology. She joined the team in 2003 as study director for GLP studies and as field investigator for GEP and screening studies. Currently she works as the head of the quality assurance unit and as supervisor for GEP and screening studies. She is engaged with data processing and prepares trial reports.
+49 5139 9 82 46 94
Serena Kull is a trained gardener for vegetables with excellent skills in vegetable production and plant protection. She joined our team in 2009 as study director respectively principal investigator for GLP studies and field investigator for GEP and screening studies. Currently she works for the quality assurance unit and as supervisor for GEP and screening studies at our test site in Neidenstein / South Germany.
+49 7263 40 80 30
CropTrials GmbH
Ehlbeek 2
30938 Burgwedel
Amtsgericht Hannover: HRB 213608
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Burgwedel
Umsatzsteuer ID: DE305 268 803
+49 5139 8393
Fax: +49 5139 27095